As an Arts Partner in Residency with the Chicago Park District at Pulaski Park located in the West Town neighborhood, The Seldoms provides a year-round program of movement classes to children ages 3-13. All programs are staffed by teaching artists who have earned undergraduate degrees in dance and movement, with specialized training in dance pedagogy. Many of these teachers are recent graduates; in this way, The Seldoms’ program provides employment to young professionals and importantly, offers them an opportunity to engage with and teach children in underserved communities as an alternative to employment solely in private dance studios.
The following programs are on pause due to the Covid shutdown.
Tots Classes - This class is for toddlers 18 months to 3 years and their caregivers. It meets twice a week for one hour. Children are lead through creative play exercises and games. Teachers use props to encourage imaginative play and exploration through movement and music. Parents and/or caregivers are encouraged to assist their children and participate during some of the class. These classes are free to those who register through the park district.
After School Classes - These classes are offered for students at nearby school students who
participate in the park district's after school program. Ranging in age from 6-13 these classes
are geared toward maximizing physical activity in a creative format using imagery and movement cues or playing movement “games”. The second half of class focuses on instruction of formal dance technique. Material variously includes modern dance, creative movement, jazz, and hip hop.